Reach your students
Students are more isolated then ever before
Engage them with Post-Ed
Reach your students
Students are more isolated then ever before
Engage them with Post-Ed
Students are more isolated then ever before
Engage them with Post-Ed
Students are more isolated then ever before
Engage them with Post-Ed
Designed to bolster student engagement Post-Ed is a platform that connects students to all of the events, clubs, and opportunities available to them on campus. Students create a profile that we use to filter out all of the irrelevant information leaving just the events and opportunities they care about displayed in a self-populating calendar that’s easy to use and interact with.
Post-Ed started with a group of students from a variety of universities who all faced the same problem. While there were lots of great clubs, events, and other community opportunities available it was incredibly difficult to find the things we actually cared about. We felt like we were missing out and detached from our universities, and we soon found we weren’t alone. Every year 33% of students under the age of 20 will dropout,* and isolation is one of the primary factors pushing them away. Post-Ed was created to better student engagement and lower student attrition rates by providing an entirely new way to connect students to their universities.
Post-Ed is an app available on the Apple App Store and Google Play that gives every user a unique information experience tailored to their interests. Users create a profile of interest tags that we use to filter out all of the irrelevant information to show the student only that which is impactful to them. We then display all of the events in a sleek self-populating calendar that’s easy to use and interact with.
*Reconsidering the Relationship Between Student Engagement and Persistence in College, Hu, S. Innov High Educ (2011) 36: 97.
Students are dropping out because they are socially isolated despite a vibrant community they could be engaging with. Only 14% of first year students report being successfully social engaged and half of all students feel as thought they are "lost in the crowd".* A reliance on social media has only exacerbated the problem, as students are now less comfortable finding new friends on their own. Connecting students to events that match their interests will help fill their need for community.
*CUSC First Year 2016
Students are lonelier, more depressed, more anxious and isolated than ever before. Not only is this impacting students academic outcomes but it’s impacting their lives and wellness. Lonely students have worse grades and attendance, higher levels of burnout, fatigue and all cause mortality then their social counterparts. Increasing student social engagement will have outsized benefit on student mental health.
See more in the Post-Ed and Mental Health PDF below*
Realtime data and analytics describing student engagement behavior have been all but impossible until now, Post-Ed lifts the fog and provides unheard of insight into event awareness, impressions, in-app activity, and attendance, allowing administrators to be more effective and efficient in their efforts.
The data shows social engagement is more important than academics in terms of both student retention and satisfaction. With all of the resources that go in to on campus programming from administrations and student leaders, each unengaged student is a missed opportunity.
With a focus on ease of use, Post-Ed allows students to engage at a pace they are comfortable with while eliminating information barriers
Getting Started on Post-Ed is as simple as downloading the app of the App Store, entering your student email and creating a password. From there you can pick your interests and dive right into what your school has to offer.
Simply scroll down your feed to see what is happening on campus in chronological order, add or remove tags to see more events or just the ones you really care about.
Tap on any event to get the event details, location and see the tags that made the event relevant to you.
Get google maps integrated directions, buy tickets and save events to receive push notifications to stay up to date if any changes are made.
Attend the events you care about.
Use the "Add Event" button to share your own events and reach other students who might be interested.